duminică, 2 august 2009

Rain and a friend

Oh beautiful summer rain 8->
Two years ago, I revived in a way that no one did before.Or maybe I'm wrong,but still... life can knock you out so painfully it simply devastates you and everything you have built until then. You broken-hearted, don't you know you will never forget something you've fallen inlove with ?!
This year,the last year until I'll graduate ,will make me a different person.Stronger. Determined.

But there is one thing I refuse to understand: why does time run so crazy, and why persons may not change in some years,but you wake up one day wondering if your best friend is still there for you.

Ok, let's get back to what I was saying. I remember one of the greatest days of my life was a beautiful ,yet cloudy, day. If I remember well , it all happened in June, almost at the end of the 9th grade . After classes, me and my best friend(then) decided to come to my place.I can't remember why,but we felt that day should be special. It was evening. As soon as we arrived home, the rain started. We were watching the raindrops from behind of the window.

'Let's have a walk through the rain", I said .

So there we were, out in the rain, alone on the street. Just us and a charming smell of grass and flowers. Yes,we were walking near the park. The rain felt like a gentle,warm shower. And it realy didn't matter that we were wet to the skin, and the rain was getting worse. Soon we could't even see the alley because of the haze and worse,it started to hail. But we found a roof and stayed there untill it stopped, laughing one of other while shaking with all that water in our ears,pockets and converses.

I revied then and there - and with me , the whole nature.

This story doesn't really have an ending , I mean the logical ending is that we got back home, and stayed at warmth ,changed our clothes bla bla.

But actually, the story was there. The story was us.

An "us" I'm not sure that still exists today. I don't know why and maybe i will never find out (and this is very annoing) . In these days, friendship is rare and precious. And after all that , you have to stop wondering and start accepting that is not your fault. This is how it was supposed to be. And that's all. There can't be no "..." .

Things come and go. A good rain can wash away your tears ,and can make you a better person. About me, what can I say...I keep good things in my heart and try to move on , not looking at something that might hurt me. Every friend changes something in my life, that is a fact , and I think this is the very good part of a friendship.That you end up developing.

duminică, 12 iulie 2009

Un fel de introducere :-?

Sau poate nu ;d

Sa vedem...de ce si-ar face cineva un blog?
Daca acel cineva apartine ariei "monden" (si aici includ persoane , personaje ,cum vreti sa le numiti, care cred ca un pic de celebritate atrage de la sine dorinta oamenilor de a afla detalii despre viata lor mai mult sau mai putin privata) isi face blog din dorinta de a-si face cunoscute ganduri,dorinte,de a comunica stari de spirit,de a se mandri,minti,manipula si ,de ce nu,de a barfi etc etc. Daca nu apartinem acestei clase, atunci noi, CEILALTI , vrem sa scriem intr-un blog pur si simplu.Si aici ,de la caz la caz, motivele sunt multe(lipsa de ocupatie,nevoia de a comunica,placerea de a abera s.a.m.d).

Defapt,interesul nostru,al oamenilor in general , este de a cunoaste cat mai mult.Tocmai din aceasta dorinta de a afla - de la ce a mai facut Monica Columbeanu,cu cine s-a mai batut Nikita si multe alte subiecte de genu' - pana la gradul de poluare al atmosferei sau cum mai stau lucrurile prin Irak s-a ajuns sa se scrie pe bloguri.Sa citim si Altceva. In fine , ideea e ca suntem curiosi din fire. Unele bloguri sunt intr-adevar interesante, educative si te fac sa preferi sa le citesti in loc sa cumperi un ziar. Si totusi, interesul dispare cand vedem ca tot ce este scris intr-un blog este un mare copy paste de pe wikipedia. Asta nu poate decat sa fie lipsa de inspiratie si originalitate si cu siguranta astfel de informatii nu ne pot trezi interesul >:)
Cam asta a fost inceputul , still...

Enjoy my blog!!!